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Earth Spirit

Unitarians draw on many sources, including:

“Spiritual teachings of Earth-centered traditions which celebrate the sacred circle of life and instruct us to live in harmony with the rhythms of nature.”

Earth Spirit Group
July ritual dedicated to our important friends, the bees!

Turning the Wheel of the Year – Special Events

We plan to offer public rituals for the eight sabbats: solstices, equinoxes and cross-quarter days.

Maypole dancing for Beltane
Magical Herb Divination
Circle Dancing
Walk the Garden Path Labyrinth

Our events usually involve creating a sacred space to honour the four elements/directions – Earth/North, Air/East, Fire/South and Water/West as well as the God and Goddess (masculine and feminine) and our spiritual centre.

West – WaterEast – Air
South – FireNorth – Earth

We also offer:

  • A nine-session experiential program, Paganism 101 explores paganism in depth in a group setting. Learn more and see upcoming offerings on the web page under “Spiritual Growth – Adult Programs.”  
  • Opportunities to walk our two outdoor labyrinths and participate in events including World Labyrinth Day. 

Facebook Page

Our buildings and grounds offer many opportunities to experience the awe and wonder of nature. From the sanctuary, you can see outside to the natural world. The garden path labyrinth and courtyard paved labyrinth offer a unique meditation experience. You are invited to snip flowers and herbs as you walk the labyrinth. Interested in gardening or herbs?

Some interesting organizations and links

Here is information from the Unitarian Universalist Association about pagans and Unitarians.

Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans offer many resources.

British Unitarian Earth Spirit Network


What is Earth Religion?

World Pantheism: A Religion of Nature, Earth, Gaia

Guide to Nature Spirituality Terms

Are You a Unitarian-Universalist (and/or a Pagan?)

Beliefnet Questionnaire about your beliefs and what religion is a best fit

Question #20 reads: “Revering (and/or worshipping) nature should be fundamental to my belief group.”

If you answer “agree” to this question, you might want to join us!