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Related Reading for Sunday, July 14

Our library in Hewett Centre is open every Sunday after service during Coffee Hour, and now the Library Team will be offering related reading lists based on the topic of Sunday service. Here is their list for the upcoming June 30 service. VanU library books related to this Sunday's sermon: Our library in Hewett…

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Summer book club: How to have anti-racist conversations

This bookclub will study Dr. Roxy Manning’s book "How to Have Antiracist Conversations: Embracing Our Full Humanity to Challenge White Supremacy.” Sessions are planned for Tuesday evenings online, Aug 13 and 27, Sept 10 (this date subject to change), and Sept 24. Dr. Roxy Manning will be a guest at VanU in the Sunday service…

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Update from the Wild Salmon Action Team

The long campaign to remove the open-net pen fish farms that threaten our wild Pacific salmon is generating some positive results! To find out about a recent win in federal court, and about an investigation into the integrity of the Department of Fisheries and Oceans, click here. While floating open-net pen fish farms continue to…

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Notice from our Tech Team: Beware of fake emails

Please be advised that another wave of scam attempts have been emailed out to Vancouver Unitarian members and congregants in recent days. Please take extra care to protect yourself. Rev. Shawn and our office staff will never request money or gift cards directly via email. If you feel even slightly suspicious, please call the office…

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Vancouver Unitarians call for Permanent Ceasefire in Israel/Gaza and release of hostages

The Vancouver Unitarians' congregation formally endorsed the statement by the Canadian Unitarian Council and Unitarian Universalist Ministers of Canada calling on the State of Israel and on Hamas to agree to a permanent ceasefire and the immediate release of all hostages. The statement calls on the Government of Canada to stop shipments of weapons to Israel…

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Related Reading for Sunday, June 9

Our library in Hewett Centre is open every Sunday after service during Coffee Hour, and now the Library Team will be offering related reading lists based on the topic of Sunday service. Here is their list for the upcoming June 9 service. VanU library books related to this Sunday's sermon: 1. The Seasoned Soul: Reflections…

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The Year in Review

I’m struggling to believe it’s already June. The soggy early days of “June-uary” (which the Search Committee fully warned me about) may be part of it. But, even more, it’s my surprise that we’ve almost completed our first year together as minister and congregation. How did that happen, so quickly?! Yet, looking back over my…

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Introducing David Buchan, our next Choir Director

The Choir Director Search Task Force is grateful to the many people in the congregation who provided insightful input about what you are hoping for in our next Choir Director. Your reflections helped us greatly in reaching a decision. Thank you!  We are delighted, then, to announce that David Buchan has been appointed as our…

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Related Reading for Sunday, June 2nd

Our library in Hewett Centre is open every Sunday after service during Coffee Hour, and now the Library Team will be offering related reading lists based on the topic of Sunday service. Here is their list for the upcoming June 2 service. VanU library books related to this Sunday's sermon: 1. Cascadia: The Elusive Utopia,…

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Related Reading for Sunday, May 26

Our library in Hewett Centre is open every Sunday after service during Coffee Hour, and now the Library Team will be offering related reading lists based on the topic of Sunday service. Here is their list for the upcoming May 26 service. VanU library books related to this Sunday's sermon: 1. Salted with Fire: Unitarian…

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