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Eliot Institute UU Family Camps – still open!

Eliot Institute has been holding intergenerational family camps for Unitarian Universalists, their friends and families since 1947. Families from as far away as California, Wyoming, Alaska, and British Columbia make Eliot a regular part of their summer adventures. In the before (covid) times, camp spaces would fill up in the fall for the following summer creating a waitlist for those making later summer plans–not so this summer! 

Now is the perfect opportunity to start a new family tradition at Seabeck on the Olympic Peninsula at any one of the summer week-long camps: July 15-22, August 5-12, or Creative Arts week Aug 12-16. Fill your spirits, make music, play in the sun, the woods, and the sea–rack up the swim badges, drum to the polar bear swim, create amazing tie-dye, learn how to row a boat, and make friends. Added bonus: you don’t have to cook for a whole week. Kiersten, UCV’s Director of Lifespan Programs is the Children’s Program Director for August Eliot–and she would love to see more Vancouver faces there!

Camp fees cover all lodging, food, and programming–including the morning children’s program while adults are engaged. Financial assistance is available, and there are still some camp volunteer jobs available that give you camp credit towards the cost (Eliot campers make everything happen).