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Event Series Sunday Service

Sunday Service: Promises Renewed

Sanctuary 949 W 49th Ave, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Hybrid Hybrid Event

The Healthy Relations Team will consider the role of promises and covenants in our lives: meaningful words to enrich our connections, easy to take for granted and important to revisit to strengthen our trust and growth as a community. Download the Order of Service Related Reading -- Weekly services We…

Event Series Sunday Service

Sunday Service: Belonging

Sanctuary 949 W 49th Ave, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Hybrid Hybrid Event

This will be put on by the IPA Team (“Indigenous, Black, People of Colour, plus Allies). The theme is Belonging. We will explore how is belonging possible when one is straddling two cultures? We have invited three guest speakers who are the offspring of immigrants. As children, they were the…

Event Series Sunday Service

Sunday Service: Celebrating Imbolc

Sanctuary 949 W 49th Ave, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Hybrid Hybrid Event

Our Lay Chaplain team will lead us in a service honouring the Pagan tradition of Imbolc by reflecting on the meaning and power of spiritual intentions. Like last year the "spiritual intentions" will be read out loud, with a phrase of acknowledgement affirmed by the congregation. Download the Order of Service…

Event Series Sunday Service

Sunday Service: All Kinds of Love Sunday

Sanctuary 949 W 49th Ave, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Hybrid Hybrid Event

Rev. Shawn Gauthier While Valentine’s is typically thought of as a day to celebrate romantic love, we will mark this approaching holiday as an invitation to bask in the splendour of love’s many forms. This Sunday’s service will involve a marvellous mix of music and powerful poems that speak to…

Event Series Sunday Service

Sunday Service: “Are you U, U, or UU?”

Sanctuary 949 W 49th Ave, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Hybrid Hybrid Event

Rev. Shawn Gauthier Are we, at VanU, Unitarians, Universalists, or Unitarian Universalists? The answer to this perennial question isn’t always simple or straight-forward. This Sunday, Rev. Shawn will attempt to provide us with some context to help everyone in deciding this question for themselves. Download the Order of Service Recommend…

Event Series Sunday Service

Sunday Service: Moving at the Pace of Life

Sanctuary 949 W 49th Ave, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Hybrid Hybrid Event

Rev. Shana Lynngood, Guest Minister We are joined this Sunday by Rev. Shana Lynngood, Co-Minister at First Unitarian in Victoria. (Rev. Shawn and Rev. Shawna are exchanging pulpits this Sunday, so Shawn will be leading the service in Victoria.) About the service, Rev. Lynngood writes: “I have found myself reflecting…

Evening Circle Worship

Fireside Room West 49th Avenue 949, Vancouver, BC, Canada

Winter Circle Worship - Staying Present Amidst Chaos Circle Worship is an intimate and participatory style of worship featuring ritual, togetherness, and reflection. Unitarian Universalist youth have been creating this style of worship for decades but it is enjoyed by and accessible to all ages. Circle Worship is open to…


Event Series Sunday Service

Sunday Service: Strength in Community

Sanctuary 949 W 49th Ave, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Hybrid Hybrid Event

Rev. Shawn Gauthier There’s an old and unflattering quip about Unitarian congregations being like groups of porcupines huddled together for warmth. Rev. Shawn’s sermon on Sunday will explore whether this statement holds a kernel of truth, and whether we just might aspire to greater things by finding strength in community.…

Event Series Sunday Service

Sunday Service: Partner Church Service

Sanctuary 949 W 49th Ave, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Hybrid Hybrid Event

VanU Partner Church Team This Sunday, come celebrate the near-completion of the church we built with our Burundian partners! Our celebratory service will include talks by our own Burundian refugees, a song by our choir in Burundi’s national language and a rendition of the Burundi’s moving national anthem. There will…

Event Series Sunday Service

Sunday Service

Sanctuary 949 W 49th Ave, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Hybrid Hybrid Event

Weekly services We gather every Sunday morning at 11am in our Sanctuary at 49th and Oak and online at Worship creates connections within, among, and beyond us, calling us to our better selves, calling us to live with wisdom and compassion. After service, we gather in Hewett Centre for…

Event Series Sunday Service

Sunday Service

Sanctuary 949 W 49th Ave, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Hybrid Hybrid Event

Weekly services We gather every Sunday morning at 11am in our Sanctuary at 49th and Oak and online at Worship creates connections within, among, and beyond us, calling us to our better selves, calling us to live with wisdom and compassion. After service, we gather in Hewett Centre for…

Event Series Sunday Service

Sunday Service

Sanctuary 949 W 49th Ave, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Hybrid Hybrid Event

Weekly services We gather every Sunday morning at 11am in our Sanctuary at 49th and Oak and online at Worship creates connections within, among, and beyond us, calling us to our better selves, calling us to live with wisdom and compassion. After service, we gather in Hewett Centre for…