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Event Series Elders’ Circle

Elders’ Circle – Fridays

Virtual Event Virtual Event

The Elders' Circle is a small group that explores various topics. You can learn more about this and other VanU Shared Identity Groups here. One group meets on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of every month, and another meets on the 1st and 3rd Friday. All meetings are online and…

Event Series Meditation

Meditation and Chi Gong

Meditation Room West 49th Avenue 949, Vancouver, BC, Canada

Please join us from 10 a.m. to 10:45 a.m. for silent meditation. For the past nine years, the group has been led by Victoria Oginski, who has been a dedicated meditator for over 45 years. She is a Buddhist and has studied with many extraordinary Buddhist masters over the years…

Event Series Sunday Service

Sunday Service: 80 Years of Refugees

Sanctuary 949 W 49th Ave, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Virtual Event Hybrid Event

The VanU Refugee Team Unitarians have been involved in relief and refugee work since at least WW2, and probably long before that. At Vancouver Unitarians we also have records and oral histories going back at least to the Vietnam war. Join this talk by members of our committee, including Julia…

Event Series Children’s Group & Crossing Paths

Children’s Group & Crossing Paths

Fireside Room West 49th Avenue 949, Vancouver, BC, Canada +1 more

Click here for more information about our children and families program. Children’s Group 5 to 9 years Children’s Group begins in the Sanctuary for worship and leaves together after the Wisdom Story. This is a place to build friendships and self-identity in an actively anti-oppressive setting. We use play and art…

Burma Film Screening

Fireside Room West 49th Avenue 949, Vancouver, BC, Canada

The IPA will be screening the film “The Battle for the Gateway to Myanmar," which shows the current situation in Burma/Myanmar, on Sunday, Nov. 24 at 1 p.m. in the Fireside Room. Kyi Min Saw will be our guest speaker to answer your questions. She has been working to raise…

Event Series Meditation and Talk

Meditation and Talk

Virtual Event Virtual Event

For this online event on Wednesday nights, we start with a talk about meditation given by Victoria Oginski, how-to, purpose and pitfalls. The second half is a shared silent meditation, based on traditional Buddhist techniques. Victoria Oginski, has been a dedicated meditator for over 45 years. She is a Buddhist…

Event Series Meditation

Meditation and Chi Gong

Meditation Room West 49th Avenue 949, Vancouver, BC, Canada

On Sunday mornings, we have two offerings in our Meditation Room. First, there is Chi Gong from 9 a.m. to 9:45 a.m. This practice is Chanting to clear organs and/or Chanting to clear chakras as originally taught by Dr. Steven Aung. Facilitated by Victoria Oginski. You are also welcome to…

Event Series Sunday Service

Sunday Service: What Are You Waiting For?

Sanctuary 949 W 49th Ave, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Virtual Event Hybrid Event

Rev. Shawn Gauthier This Sunday begins the season of Advent, a time in the calendar when Christians embark on the spiritual journey towards Christmas. These four weeks are a time for reflection and renewal, a time of anticipation, and a time for growth. Whatever the holidays we may personally celebrate…

Event Series Children’s Group & Crossing Paths

Children’s Group & Crossing Paths

Fireside Room West 49th Avenue 949, Vancouver, BC, Canada +1 more

Click here for more information about our children and families program. Children’s Group 5 to 9 years Children’s Group begins in the Sanctuary for worship and leaves together after the Wisdom Story. This is a place to build friendships and self-identity in an actively anti-oppressive setting. We use play and art…

Fundraising Lunch for Burma

Hewett Hall 949 West 49th Avenue, Vancouver, BC, Canada

The VU IPA and other teams have been together with the local Burmese (Myanmar) community to raise both awareness and funds in support of Burmese citizens ravaged by a military dictatorship and civil war. We warmly invite you to attend our next event Sunday, Dec. 1st.  The Burmese community will…

‘We Are The Great Turning’ Sunday podcast discussion group

Biddle West 49th Avenue 949, Vancouver, BC, Canada

A young activist, Jess Serrante, has created a 10-part podcast entitled 'We Are The Great Turning' with the revered 95 year-old activist, Joanna Macy. She approached Joanna about sharing her work in this way, and Joanna agreed, being aware of her limited time left on this earth, and her awareness of how important it…


Matters of Life and Death

Fireside Room West 49th Avenue 949, Vancouver, BC, Canada

Approaching End of Life, Starting Today: What Do I Get to Choose? For the next in our series of programs on aging and the end-of-life, Rev. Shawn will host a conversation between Jane Slemon and Michael O’Neil, who will share their medical expertise and experience around the options and decisions available to us…
