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What do you want to do this summer? Hang out with friends from UCV? Meet other kids and teens from all over the Pacific Northwest? Swim in a river? Go on a roadtrip? Have campfires every night? Take songwriting workshops? Talk about how love informs our UU beliefs through and through? Ok, that last one isn’t always as popular. But you can do every single one of those by attending Camp Blue Boat in Washington this July!

Blue Boat is a camp with two streams, one for grades 9-12 and one for 6-8. This year it will be July 16-21. And you’ll automatically have one familiar face, because Olivia is working there as a chaplain this year! And because a bunch of our teens have already registered. Blue Boat exists to deepen the connections UU youth have to their communities, to their faith, their sense of what is right in the world, and themselves. In these spaces our teens create a community that feeds their souls. But time’s running out, so register quick! For more details and the registration link, look here: