This is my last message to you before heading off on summer break and to my new ministry, which will be in St. Paul, Minnesota.
This photo was taken at the UUA General Assembly on June 22 as I walked across the stage during the Service of Living Tradition, to celebrate Final Fellowship and showing off the gorgeous stole that you all gifted to me. It is truly a work of art that I will treasure. The UUA General Assembly and ministry days were full of great conversations, presentations, worship and connecting with 3,000 UU’s from around the world. Some very important decisions were made by delegates including strongly supporting a year of continued consideration for the ammendments to Article 2 of the UUA Bylaws, AKA the 7 Principles. Rev. Dr. Susan Frederick-Grey’s term ended and an inspiring new President, Rev. Dr. Sofía Betancourt, was elected. I encourage you all to stay informed about what is happening in our larger denomination.
Here are some links you might find interesting:
- 2023 Berry Street Essay: The Reverend Cecilia Kingman
- Service of Living Tradition (available by request)
- 2023 Ware Lecture by Imani Perry
- Sunday Morning Worship
I have been deeply moved by the messages from many of you as we reach the end of our time together, affirming the value and impact of the incredible transition work and ministry that we have shared over these past 3 incredible years. I leave knowing you are strong, healthy and in good hands with Rev. Shawn. As I pack up my office, I am parting with many books . . . . free for the taking! Please stop by during office hours and ask Marcus to let you in to take some reading or resource material during the month of July, so that Rev. Shawn has clear bookshelves to move into.
As you move into summer-mode and then into yet another ministerial transition, I wish you all peace, curiosity, open-heartedness and spiritual nourishment.
Warmest blessings and profound gratitude,
Rev. Lara Cowtan
Interim Minister