There's a lot that goes on around here
Did you know that Greenpeace got its name after a meeting in our very own Fireside Room in 1971? Or that our historic Sanctuary was one of the first places in Canada where same-sex marriage ceremonies were held?
We have a number of volunteer teams who come together to help resettle refugees, and to advocate for social justice, environmental protection, and the dismantling of racism and other systemic injustices. If you want to put your values into action, check out these community teams!
Find out more below. Please note we are still moving over content from our previous website so some of these links will lead you to group pages on our previous site.
Throughout the year our community action teams host or support special events on our campus at 49th and Oak and attend gatherings throughout the city.
Here’s a sampling of some of the past year’s events. If you have an idea for a special event at 49th and Oak, get in touch!