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Help us fundraise for portico renovation

This is a necessary repair that will cost approximately $75,000.00. Decay has taken place in this timber structure and temporary supports have been installed. While the UCV has reserve funds it will ease the pressure on this source and its availability for other contingencies if members are able  to make a contribution.

A generous donation from the Armstrong family means that now $65,000 needs to be raised. Every special dollar members give means less draw on the UCV reserve fund.

The portico was not included in the 1963 construction of the church, but was always planned by the architect, Wolfgang Gerson. Members subsequently approved funding made possible by UCV member Alice James and it was constructed in 1983 under Mr. Gerson’s supervision.

The portico serves as a pleasant all-weather place for socializing before and after events in the Sanctuary and makes the transit from Hewett Hall more pleasant during inclement weather particularly for performing groups such as the choir. Further it completes the design for this component of the campus.

Your support will be much appreciated. Every dollar donated is one less dollar drawn from UCV reserves.

Mail a cheque to UCV marked “Portico Fund”: UCV 949 West 49th Avenue Vancouver BC V5Z 2T1 or Interact $ transfer (portico fund):

– The Buildings and Grounds Committee