Please be cautious of fake emails or text messages. As an organisation, we are regularly targeted by hackers who send emails from real-looking addresses in an attempt to deceive individuals; text messages have been added to this strategy. These fake emails or texts may eventually ask for money, gift cards, or personal information or something similar.
VanU staff only send emails from addresses that end with one of our domains: or If you receive an email from any other address claiming to be from us, it is likely a fake one. You may need to click on the FROM box in your email to see which email address the message actually came from.
Texting is not a usual form of communication between staff and members except for established working relationships in which case you will have our number in your contacts.
If you are ever in doubt about the authenticity of an email or text, we encourage you to not respond and to check with our office directly. You can reach us by phone or email at, or fill in the form below.