The Vancouver Unitarians have been part of the life of this city since 1909. We know it's now harder than ever to find affordable, secure housing. Many members of our congregation and their friends and family in the wider community have felt the impacts of the city's unaffordability first hand, facing precarious living situations or…
Do you have experience you’d be willing to share about housing affordability and housing insecurity? Do you have ideas about housing policies? If so, join us on Zoom Thursday, June 22 at 7p.m. for a UCV Housing Listening Circle.
This Listening Circle is intended to help Metro Vancouver Alliance shape a new campaign they’re planning on…
Do you have experience you’d like to share to do with housing affordability and housing insecurity? If so, we’d like to hear from you! Metro Vancouver Alliance is asking participating organizations to organize Listening Circles on the topic, to help inform a new campaign they’re planning on the issue of housing affordability. MVA is…