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Feburary report from the Board

The Board is inviting all members of Vancouver Unitarians to attend a congregational retreat on March 9th.  We are very much looking forward to conferring with all of you on the strategic directions we, as a congregation, should pursue. The retreat will begin at 1 pm in Hewett Hall.  At 5 or 5:30pm we will enjoy a dinner (possibly pizza) followed by an evening of entertainment. Please mark your calendars for this important event!

In preparation for the retreat, there will be a forum on Feb. 11 highlighting the 2022 report “Rethinking Our Identity”. This report is the result of the work of the Congregational Identity Team (CIT), formed by the Ministerial Transition Team in February 2021. The mandate of the CIT was to lead VanU through the process of rethinking our identity in preparation for finding and welcoming a new, settled minister. Rethinking our sense of purpose, identity, and direction – Who are we and where are we going? – is vital to helping us clarify our unique strengths, needs, and challenges as we chart our course for the future, with our new minister. (The full report can be found here: Identity report.)

The Board Retreat on Jan 27 will focus on preparing for the congregational retreat.  We will be gathering facts and figures about our current status so that we can look ahead with you to what the future might be.

In January we welcomed Griffin Tedeschini as an ex-officio member of the Board. They have begun to take on the responsibilities of secretary. As they are a new member, they will not be able to officially join the Board until April.  We are very grateful for their assistance! They can be contacted at [email protected].  

Every Sunday you will find a Board member at the Board table in Hewett Hall. Come and talk with us about your ideas and questions. Minutes of our meetings are available there.

On behalf of the Board