The Vancouver Unitarians (located at 49th and Oak in Vancouver) are seeking a…
Social Justice Team’s Call for a Ceasefire in Gaza and Peace and Lasting…
The beautiful new portico outside our Sanctuary was given a ceremonial unveiling on…
This Spring you're invited to help name art work by long-time VanU member…
The Unitarian minister A. Powell Davies once said, “life is a chance to…
Last Sunday March 10th, after the delicious lunch served by the VanU Enviro…
VanU held a successful Congregational Retreat on March 9 in Hewett Centre on…
Our group meets to celebrate the “turning of the wheel” - the seasons’…
I hope you’ll plan to join us at 4:00pm on Sunday, May 5th,…
The Outreach Opportunities Fund (OOF) recipient for March-June will be First Nations’ Emergency Services Society…
The cooperation and patience of members and other users of our campus when…
We in the VanU Earth Spirituality group celebrate the “turning of the wheel”…