Thanks to all those who attended the EGM and the forums leading up to it. It was great to get the support for the budget and the bylaw changes. Thanks to the Finance committee, our Treasurer, Casey and Gordon Lowe for their work putting it together. We are very excited about the new UCV website that the staff has developed. I hope that you will check it out.
The Board sends a huge note of thanks to the Ministerial Transition Team. They’ve been working hard for 3 years! The task forces they initiated have recommended changes to the organizational structure and staffing which the board has used as the foundation for our initiatives.Their work on the history wall has been exemplary. Please give it a final look before it disappears. Now they are done their work, we hope they will have a relaxing summer!
I hope that we all come back re-energized. Now that we are done with the long and complex transition activities, it is time to re-imagine what our community should prioritize and focus on, with guidance from Shawn. Shawn has a wealth of experience that we can draw on, and he is a kind person with lots of integrity as well as a good listener. In addition there is a wealth of experience and wisdom, and many skills in our congregation. Together we can make progress towards fulfilling our Vision “Because we envision a more compassionate world, we seek to deepen our spiritual and religious lives, grow and enrich our congregation, and advocate for love and justice. “
If you would like the experience of working with Shawn more closely, please consider joining the Board. We are a fine group of people, who are dedicated to this community. We are in need of a secretary for next year. Lynn Armstrong, our outgoing secretary, is willing to mentor. There also are openings for two members at large – who will be assigned a mentor, if they wish. Please talk with any Board member if you have questions, as well as the Nominating Committee (Frank Tester, David Valentine, Michael Clague).
I’m sure that everyone joins me in wishing Rev. Lara the very best in her new position. I’m sure she will be a gift to that congregation and the U*U community there.
Wishing everyone a safe, healthy, relaxing and fun summer!