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Event Series Sunday Service

Sunday Service: All Kinds of Love Sunday

Sanctuary 949 W 49th Ave, Vancouver
Hybrid Hybrid Event

Rev. Shawn Gauthier While Valentine’s is typically thought of as a day to celebrate romantic love, we will mark this approaching holiday as an invitation to bask in the splendour of love’s many forms. This Sunday’s service will involve a marvellous mix of music and powerful poems that speak to…

Housing Forum with Metro Vancouver Alliance

Fireside Room West 49th Avenue 949, Vancouver

Join us Feb. 9 in the Fireside Room beginning at 12:30 p.m. for a Sunday Forum about a new housing campaign being organized by Metro Vancouver Alliance. All welcome! Did you know Vancouver Unitarians is a member of the Metro Vancouver Alliance? Now, you may be curious as to what…

Matters of Life and Death: Getting Your Legal Affairs in Order

Sanctuary 949 W 49th Ave, Vancouver

We’ll be joined by lawyer Garth Evans, LLP, for our next "Matters of Life and Death" session, focused on writing wills and the advance work necessary to have your estate settled according to your wishes. VanU members Keith Wilkinson and Gordon Gram will also offer reflections about their own estate planning and discuss approaches to legacy giving that might include an enduring gift to…