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Event Series Meditation

Meditation and Chi Gong

Meditation Room West 49th Avenue 949, Vancouver, BC, Canada

On Sunday mornings, we have two offerings in our Meditation Room. First, there is Chi Gong from 9 a.m. to 9:45 a.m. This practice is Chanting to clear organs and/or Chanting to clear chakras as originally taught by Dr. Steven Aung. Facilitated by Victoria Oginski. You are also welcome to…

Event Series Sunday Service

Sunday Service: All Kinds of Love Sunday

Sanctuary 949 W 49th Ave, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Hybrid Hybrid Event

Rev. Shawn Gauthier While Valentine’s is typically thought of as a day to celebrate romantic love, we will mark this approaching holiday as an invitation to bask in the splendour of love’s many forms. This Sunday’s service will involve a marvellous mix of music and powerful poems that speak to…

Children’s Group & Crossing Paths

Fireside Room West 49th Avenue 949, Vancouver, BC, Canada +1 more

Click here for more information about our children and families program. Children’s Group 5 to 9 years Children’s Group begins in the Sanctuary for worship and leaves together after the Wisdom Story. This is a place to build friendships and self-identity in an actively anti-oppressive setting. We use play and art…

Event Series Second Sunday Book Group

Second Sunday Book Group

Biddle West 49th Avenue 949, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Virtual Event Virtual Event

The Vancouver Unitarians' Second Sunday Book Group meets after the Sunday service on the second Sunday of each month (except July and August). We meet at 12:30 pm in the Biddle room and online (by request – please contact if interested in attending online). Everyone is welcome. if attending…

Housing Forum with Metro Vancouver Alliance

Fireside Room West 49th Avenue 949, Vancouver, BC, Canada

Join us Feb. 9 in the Fireside Room beginning at 12:30 p.m. for a Sunday Forum about a new housing campaign being organized by Metro Vancouver Alliance. All welcome! Did you know Vancouver Unitarians is a member of the Metro Vancouver Alliance? Now, you may be curious as to what…

Matters of Life and Death: Getting Your Legal Affairs in Order

Sanctuary 949 W 49th Ave, Vancouver, BC, Canada

We’ll be joined by lawyer Garth Evans, LLP, for our next "Matters of Life and Death" session, focused on writing wills and the advance work necessary to have your estate settled according to your wishes. VanU members Keith Wilkinson and Gordon Gram will also offer reflections about their own estate planning and discuss approaches to legacy giving that might include an enduring gift to…

IBPOC Plus Allies (IPA) monthly meeting

Lindsey-Priestley West 49th Avenue 949, Vancouver, BC, Canada

The IBPOC (Indigenous, Black, People of Colour) Plus Allies also known as the IPA, meets on the second Sunday of the month at 12:30pm in Lindsey Priestley room. The IPA team fosters  greater understanding of IBPOC experiences. We organize events such as the Lunar New Year  and the Intersection of…

Event Series Youth Group

Youth Group

Hitschmanova West 49th Avenue 949, Vancouver, BC, Canada

A space for youth to hang out, connect, be themselves--figure out themselves, organize, and be together. Learn more here.

Event Series Meditation and Talk

Meditation and Talk

Virtual Event Virtual Event

For this online event on Wednesday nights, we start with a talk about meditation given by Victoria Oginski, how-to, purpose and pitfalls. The second half is a shared silent meditation, based on traditional Buddhist techniques. Victoria Oginski, has been a dedicated meditator for over 45 years. She is a Buddhist…

Listening Circle on the State of the World

Fireside Room West 49th Avenue 949, Vancouver, BC, Canada

We live in both beautiful and bewildering times, and many of us feel the need to come together to try to make sense of it all. Join us at 7pm when the Healthy Relations Team will facilitate a listening circle in the Fireside Room where we can talk about the…

Walk with VanUs at the Women’s Memorial March

Main and Hastings - NW corner (OWL Drugs) 199 E Hastings St, Vancouver, BC, Canada

Event Location: Meet at noon at the NW corner of Main and Hasting (in front of OWL Drugs) You are invited to join Vancouver Unitarians from the IPA (IBPOC+Allies) and Social Justice teams to march together at the 34th annual Women’s Memorial March to honour the lives of the missing…

Event Series Paganism 101 Spring Class Series

Paganism 101 Spring Class Series – 2025

Fireside Room West 49th Avenue 949, Vancouver, BC, Canada

2025 classes of Paganism 101 take place over 9 Saturdays, 1:00 - 4:00 pm, February 15 - April 19 (no class on March 8). All sessions will be held on the Vancouver Unitarians' campus, Hewett Centre (949 W. 49th Ave., Vancouver) Facilitators for this class are Louise Bunn and Milo…