Board Meeting
This month's Board meeting will take place Dec. 10th. Click on where it says JOIN MEETING below to join.
This month's Board meeting will take place Dec. 10th. Click on where it says JOIN MEETING below to join.
For this online event on Wednesday nights, we start with a talk about meditation given by Victoria Oginski, how-to, purpose and pitfalls. The second half is a shared silent meditation, based on traditional Buddhist techniques. Victoria Oginski, has been a dedicated meditator for over 45 years. She is a Buddhist…
On Sunday mornings, we have two offerings in our Meditation Room. First, there is Chi Gong from 9 a.m. to 9:45 a.m. This practice is Chanting to clear organs and/or Chanting to clear chakras as originally taught by Dr. Steven Aung. Facilitated by Victoria Oginski. You are also welcome to…
Artisans are mostly from our own congregation. Look for artisans selling cards, pottery, jewellery, knitted sweaters and scarves, hand-painted silk scarves, photos, honey, candles, and some surprises. The hours of the sale range from 10am to 2pm and 6:30pm to 9pm (before and after the Candlelight Service).
Rev. Shawn Gauthier As we approach the Winter Solstice, Rev. Shawn invites us to seek out the stillness of this season, starting with an appreciation of the stars above. Download the Order of Service Related Reading --- Weekly services Join us in person in our Sanctuary or watch the service…
Click here for more information about our children and families program. Children’s Group 5 to 9 years Children’s Group begins in the Sanctuary for worship and leaves together after the Wisdom Story. This is a place to build friendships and self-identity in an actively anti-oppressive setting. We use play and art…
A space for youth to hang out, connect, be themselves--figure out themselves, organize, and be together. Learn more here.
Rev. Shawn Gauthier Our much-beloved annual tradition offers a feast of poetry and music to mark the many meanings of the winter holidays. This service will feature several anthems from the Chalice Choir and seasonal readings offered by many members of our congregation. All are invited to stay for refreshments…
This Elders’ Circle is a small group that explores various topics. Together we’ll explore the spiritual challenge of aging as we read chapters of Parker J. Palmer’s book On The Brink of Everything: Grace, Gravity and Growing Old. Two 90-minute Zoom sessions a month, this group meets on Wednesdays 10-11:30 am, beginning…
The Elders' Circle is a small group that explores various topics. You can learn more about this and other VanU Shared Identity Groups here. One group meets on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of every month, and another meets on the 1st and 3rd Friday. All meetings are online and…
The VanU Earth Spirit group invites everyone to attend a celebration of Yule or Winter Solstice on Saturday, December 21st from 3:30 to 5:00 pm in the Fireside Room. It is a time to celebrate the longer nights that give us time to dream and replenish, and also to look…
Vancouver Unitarians have a great tradition of holding intergenerational community dinners and social events. On Saturday, Dec 21st. 5pm-8:30pm you're invited to join us for a Winter Solstice community dinner in Hewett Centre (949 W. 49th Ave on the Vancouver Unitarians campus). This time of year can be hectic, busy,…