Youth Group
Hitschmanova West 49th Avenue 949, Vancouver, BC, CanadaA space for youth to hang out and be together. Learn more here.
A space for youth to hang out and be together. Learn more here.
Meet at Noon, Wednesday at the Art Gallery steps and wear pink, blue, and white, in any combination! Join Rev. Shawn and Kiersten Moore on September 20th, 12 pm, at the Vancouver Art Gallery to stand in solidarity with trans and non-binary people against protests planned demanding the role-back of…
This small group ministry uses climate books as springboards to explore our concerns around climate change. Through personal reflection on what we have read and/or viewed we encourage and support each other as we: our knowledge, develop coping strategies, and discover effective action. Please join us as climate citizens on…
Fashion for Work and Play: A History of Women's Clothing Don’t miss this opportunity to take in this presentation by Vancouver’s renowned fashion historian, Ivan Sayers, and contribute to a worthy cause at the same time! His models will be showcasing a selection of garments from his personal collection that…
Join us each Sunday morning before the service for meditation. Victoria Oginski will say a few words at the beginning and then we sit for 45 minutes. All are welcome, no experience necessary.
Rev. Shawn Gauthier As we approach this week’s National Day of Truth and Reconciliation, we will reflect on the spiritual work involved for settlers in making real our commitments to genuine healing and reconciliation with the Indigenous Peoples of this place. Rev. Shawn will invite us to look at what…
Click here for more information about our children and families program. Children’s Group 5 to 9 years Children’s Group begins in the Sanctuary for worship and leaves together after the Wisdom Story. This is a place to build friendships and self-identity in an actively anti-oppressive setting. We use play and art…
Have you ever wanted to have a small group of UUs who share the art and music that makes your soul soar? Have you heard about how much our Elder’s Circle enjoyed delving into topics of aging, meaning, service and spiritual will? Have you wanted to get beyond reading a…
A space for youth to hang out and be together. Learn more here.
MVA's founding lead organizer Deborah Littman will be hosting a training on a key campaign design skill called "cutting the issue," which is where we take a large problem (like housing) and determine how to narrow it down into a specific, winnable, tangible campaign. This training will be offered in…
Friendly readers gather online for an hour and a half on fourth Thursdays sharing their notable reads and recommendations from the past month. The broad-ranging meetings might include books on global governance, social justice and climate action, self-help and spiritual inspiration, the best of fiction, biography, art, memoir, and more.…
Parent Orientation is required for youth participation in OWL. We support parents as a child's primary sexuality educator and it is important that parents know the philosophy, values, approach, and content of the class. Each group is unique, even parents who have had older children go through this program previously…