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Make this place your home

I’ve heard it said that when you move to a new city, you must leave and return there for it to finally feel like home.

This has certainly been my experience. I’ve felt this to be increasingly true every time I’ve come back to Vancouver after each trip out of town over the past year.

But this feeling of returning home has been even more pronounced for me in recent days, as I have returned to my work at VanU following my summer break. It’s a wonderful feeling to have. 

At the end of the Bridging Service last June, as we celebrated the transitions in the lives of our young people, we closed the service by singing Phillip Phillips’ Home. 
Hold on to me as we go
As we roll down this unfamiliar road
And although this wave is stringing us along
Just know you’re not alone
‘Cause I’m gonna make this place your home
These are words of invitation and promise that we sing to our youth as they bridge. But I hope these are words that we can also sing to each other, as we make VanU a home—a “home of your soul,” to quote one of our beloved hymns—for each other.
As we celebrate our Water Communion ritual and the ingathering of the VanU community on September 8th (be sure to bring a bit of water!), let us work to build and become home for one another by strengthening the bonds of care and affection that hold us together. 
I hope to see you soon, and to welcome you back home. 
In faith and love,

Preview of September Services

September 8: The Shape of Water

With this Sunday’s service, we launch a new year in the life of our congregation with our annual Water Communion ceremony. All are invited to bring a small bit of water—be it gathered from afar or at your own faucet—to ritually pour into our common bowl, a symbol of the ingathering of our community. The choir, with our new Choir Director David Buchan, will return for this special service in the round.

September 15: Showing Up When It Matters Most

“Would you harbour me? Would I harbour you?” These haunting opening lines from the song by the exquisite a cappella ensemble Sweet Honey and the Rock beg fundamental questions about the commitments we make to care for one another. In his sermon this week, Rev. Shawn will invite us to grapple with our answers.

September 22: An Invitation to Beloved Community

Lifespan Faith Director, Kiersten Moore, shares her journey into an understanding of what Beloved Community means and can be: imperfect and ever evolving.

September 29: To Hear and Honour Another’s Truth

On the eve of the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, we will honour this holiday by together reflecting on our next steps on the long road to reconciliation.