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Related Reading for Sunday, June 16

Our library in Hewett Centre is open every Sunday after service during Coffee Hour, and now the Library Team will be offering related reading lists based on the topic of Sunday service. Here is their list for the upcoming June 16 service.

VanU library books related to this Sunday’s sermon:

1. Seasons of Life: Our Dramatic Journey from Birth to Death, by John Kotre and Elizabeth Hall, 1990, 155 KOT [A companion book to the acclaimed PBS television series, this interprets the fascinating work and discoveries of hundreds of social scientists and, through the personal stories of dozens of ordinary individuals, reveals the rich drama of life’s passages at the end of the twentieth century].

2. Guide My Feet: Prayers and Meditations on Loving and Working for Children, by Marian Wright Edelman, 1995, 242.6 EDE [From Beacon Press; A collection of prayers and meditations gathered from Edelman’s own holiday rituals and experiences and the writings of such inspiring leaders as Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Gandhi, and Frederick Douglass, the book (filled with wisdom, compassion and understanding) urges readers to commit to and pray for strength and patience, and offers solace and direction for parents troubled by the commercialism and violence running rampant in today’s society, and also provides an important spiritual and moral resource all caregivers can turn to as they strive to instill values, integrity, self-discipline and faith in children].

3. Education and the Good Life, by Bertrand Russell, 1926, 192 RU [Bertrand Russell, considered to be one of the most significant educational innovators of his time, calls for an education that would liberate the child from unthinking obedience to parental and religious authority, with his argument being that, if the basis of all education is knowledge wielded by love, then society can be transformed].

4. The Story of Your Life: Writing a Spiritual Autobiography, by Dan Wakefield, 1990, 808.2 WAK [From Beacon Press; This shows how to write about and share our most meaningful life experiences, and in so doing to see our lives in a new light].

5. Trusting Change: Finding Our Way Through Personal and Global Transformation, by Karen Hering, 2022, 248 [Sharing wisdom found in nature and in metaphors, the book’s reflections include evocative questions and creative, often embodied exercises that invite the reader into a larger story of change, with this book being a conversation with the reader meant to also stir conversations between readers as we learn to live into and through our transformative times together].

(Image credit: Kimberley Farmer / Unsplash)