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Summer volunteers needed

The Vancouver Unitarians are sustained by the generosity and care of our membership. Our community is also sustained by the dedication of volunteers. Whatever you are able to give, your contributions to this community are valued. Here are a couple of great opportunities to contribute to UCV:

  • Kiersten and Olivia take vacation time in July and August and focus their work time on preparing for the program year.  Summer attendance is usually lower, but families do attend and new families visit. We need volunteers ready to welcome families, set up the pray ground, and engage kids in art, garden, and games activities. 

Please sign-up to attend one of our orientations if you are able to volunteer two or more Sundays between July 2nd and September 3rd. (A police record check for the vulnerable sector dated within three years is required–there is no charge for volunteers) 

  • Now that we’re back together in-person on Sundays, we still need a few more volunteers to help set-up and clean-up Coffee Hour, held every Sunday after service from Noon to 1p.m. in Hewett Hall. With summer holiday season upon us, we are looking to fill gaps in our volunteer roster for set-up of coffee service (11:30 a.m. to Noon) and clean-up (12:45 p.m. to 1:15 p.m.). If you are interested in volunteering to make Coffee Hour happen, please email Derrick [email protected]
  • Library helpers needed! Come and join the friendly folks in our library, that enables us to find and borrow books on Unitarian Universalism, on our Sources, and on issues that we care about such as Reconciliation, Environment and Social Justice. We need volunteers to help with a variety of tasks – signing out books during our Sunday open hour (12:00-1:00 pm), placing labels on books and shelf sections, selecting books that match the service themes, and organizing our notice boards. This is a great way to meet people and learn more about Unitarianism.