Happy Autumn! I hope the return to school rhythms is treating you well.
It is that time of year again when Vancouver Unitarians need to update our records and info for children and youth involved in our programs or events. Please take a moment to fill out the registration form for any children or youth who may attend any program or event at UCV between now and next summer (online or in person).
Registration is for the safety and accountability of our staff and volunteers to your children. It helps us provide proper ratios of adults to kids, support, and age appropriate programming. Children’s information is kept private within our database and only staff and cleared volunteers have access to it; we never share your information. Thank you!
Our Whole Lives – sexuality education
We are launching this year’s offering of Our Whole Lives sexuality education (OWL) for ages 13-14 (entering grade 8/9 and/or turning 13-14 this year). If you have a child of this age (not already signed up) I hope you will take a look at the details on the Our Whole Lives page under Spiritual Growth.
If you do not have a child of this age–please share this info with parents you know who might be interested!
All that goes on around here
I hope you are enjoying exploring our new website; we have been working hard to keep it full of up-to-date information. You are now able to subscribe to our calendar and add events to your own digital calendar!
Check out all the pages under Spiritual Growth to see what is happening for children, youth, families, and adults of all ages.
This Sunday, Sept 17th, is the launch of our Fall programming. We will be creating our covenant with the kids for this year, reconnecting and getting to know each other with games during the service (11:15-12:15 after the story). Youth Group reconvenes at 1:30 this Sunday.
I look forward to seeing you around UCV this year!
–Kiersten E. Moore
Lifespan Faith Director (LFD)