Please be on guard for fake emails pretending to be from VanU staff or members. If in doubt, check with us at [email protected]
Discussing and exploring shared reading with other people can deepen our understanding and connection to ideas, practices and each other.
Sometimes it helps to connect deeply with people who share your experience in one way or another.
Covenant Groups using our monthly themes are supplied materials for reflection, reading, and spiritual practice based on Soul Matters from Rev. Shawn and the Lifespan Programs Office.
Our accessible and welcoming small groups are a great way to deepen your spiritual life.
Many people connect with spirituality best through ritual, movement, meditation or other embodied practices.
Please be on guard for fake emails pretending to be from VanU staff or members. If in doubt, check with us at [email protected]
Read about what’s happening with our name
How to host a VanU online meeting
Read about the VanU Library and Archives
The Unitarian Fellowship in Rutana, Burundi
Outside organisations receiving a portion of our Sunday offering