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One Tree, Three Lives film screening and Fundraiser

Hewett Hall 949 West 49th Avenue, Vancouver, BC, Canada

In celebration of 2024 May Asian Heritage Month, the VanU IBPoC Plus Allies (IPA) Film Club presents: One Tree, Three Lives and Q&A with director Angie Chen and producer Pam Lay. More information here, and please read the film synopsis and watch the film's trailer. Admission is by donation- pay…


Forum – Special Resolution to be voted on at EGM

Virtual Event Virtual Event

This is a forum to discuss the Special Resolution on Endorsement of the CUC Statement calling for Permanent Ceasefire  in Israel/Palestine and Return of Hostages. Item 10 of the Vancouver Unitarians EGM on June 9th is the reading and vote on this Special Resolution. Click to see full text of…

Water Ceremony Empty Cups

Sanctuary 949 W 49th Ave, Vancouver, BC, Canada

As you offer a bit of water during the annual water ceremony in-gathering service, the Social Justice Team  invites you to also place an empty paper cup next to the congregational vessel in solidarity with Palestinians, civilians in war-torn Sudan, and Indigenous communities in Canada under drinking water advisories. Unitarians…

Social Justice postcards for Housing & Safe Supply

Fireside Room West 49th Avenue 949, Vancouver, BC, Canada

Please join the Social Justice Team in sending postcards to ALL provincial party leaders to urge them to implement policy for vacancy control and safe supply.   We will meet in the Fireside Room from 12:30-1:30. Postcards, postage and snacks will be provided.  

Provincial Election All-Candidates Forum for the Riding of Vancouver – Little Mountain

Sanctuary 949 W 49th Ave, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Virtual Event Hybrid Event

The Vancouver Unitarians are hosting an all-candidates debate for the provincial riding of Vancouver – Little Mountain, where our heritage campus is located. All are welcome to attend! The forum will be held Wednesday, Sept. 25th at 7 p.m. in the Sanctuary building at 949 W. 49th Ave. The forum will also…

Let Peace Be Their Memorial

Sanctuary 949 W 49th Ave, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Virtual Event Hybrid Event

To join the live stream, please join us at 2pm using the video below Click here for a program of the service Join like-hearted others to mark and mourn the ravages of war and gather inspiration and courage to continue your commitment to a better alternative. Let Peace Be Their…

Peace Building Reception

Hewett Hall 949 West 49th Avenue, Vancouver, BC, Canada

Please join the Social Justice Team, Vancouver Peace Poppies,  and other peace activists in Hewett Hall immediately following the Let Peace Be Their Memorial ceremony. There will be  light refreshments, a chance to socialize, meet event hosts and wreath layers,  and display tables set up with information about peace building…

Burma Film Screening

Fireside Room West 49th Avenue 949, Vancouver, BC, Canada

The IPA will be screening the film “The Battle for the Gateway to Myanmar," which shows the current situation in Burma/Myanmar, on Sunday, Nov. 24 at 1 p.m. in the Fireside Room. Kyi Min Saw will be our guest speaker to answer your questions. She has been working to raise…

Write for Rights

Fireside Room West 49th Avenue 949, Vancouver, BC, Canada

The Social Justice Team will host our 8th annual Amnesty International Write for Rights event in the Fireside Room from 12:30-2:00 p.m.  Snacks will be available. This year’s cases are from Angola, Argentina, Belarus, Canada, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, South Korea, Turkey, and Viet Nam. You may also participate in Write…

Climate Activism. What we can do to make an impact

Fireside Room West 49th Avenue 949, Vancouver, BC, Canada

The impacts of a changing climate are in our faces daily. Are you anxious and not knowing what to do? Hundreds of BC citizens took direct action against the fossil fuel perpetrators of the crisis and were arrested on Burnaby Mountain for opposition to TMX, a pipeline carrying diluted bitumen…

Food Synergy: Film Screening and Discussion

Sanctuary 949 W 49th Ave, Vancouver, BC, Canada

Food Sustainability Documentary screening and panel discussion The global food system is responsible for up to one third of all human-caused greenhouse gas emissions, making it one of the largest contributors to climate change. Food Synergy is a one-of-a-kind feature documentary in the sustainability genre. The filmmakers analyze the whole…

Housing Forum with Metro Vancouver Alliance

Fireside Room West 49th Avenue 949, Vancouver, BC, Canada

Join us Feb. 9 in the Fireside Room beginning at 12:30 p.m. for a Sunday Forum about a new housing campaign being organized by Metro Vancouver Alliance. All welcome! Did you know Vancouver Unitarians is a member of the Metro Vancouver Alliance? Now, you may be curious as to what…