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5 to 9 years—Children’s Group

11:15 am—12:15 pm in Lindsey-Priestly room

Children’s Group begins in the Sanctuary for worship and leaves together after the Wisdom Story. This is a place to build friendships and self-identity in an actively anti-oppressive setting. We use play and art to build community, trust, and a beginning understanding of evolving Unitarian Universalist values of justice, equity, pluralism, interdependence, generosity and love.

2024-25 Soul Matters Themes: Invitation, Deep Listening, Repair, Presence, Story, Inclusion, Trust, Joy, Imagination, Freedom

Our explorations of play, art, friendship, and story follow the congregational themes of each month. Worship topics and adult small groups also explore these themes making for rich common threads that weave our community together across all ages.

It is important for all children who attend on Sundays to register each year. If you have not done so already, you can use the buttons below to fill out our digital form.

Registration is for the safety and accountability of our staff and volunteers to your children. It helps us provide proper ratios, support, and age appropriate programming. Thank you!

Exploring the scope of the Universe, time, and the evolution of life taps in to children’s curiosity, wonder, and awe–key foundations of a Unitarian Universalist spirituality and theology. That wonder and awe is also foundational to imagination, compassion, and empathy that fosters a sense of justice and responsibility as we grow. What fun to be exploring on a weekend morning!